Differences Between 7018 and 7024 Welding Rods

What Is The Difference Between 7018 And 7024 Welding Rod?

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Welding rods are an essential tool in the welding industry, and selecting the right one can make a significant difference in the outcome of a welding project. Among the many types available, 7018 and 7024 welding rods are popular choices for welders. In this blog post, we will delve into the differences between these two welding rods to help you make an informed decision for your next welding job. E7018 electrodes can be used on carbon steel, high-carbon, low-alloy, or high-strength steel base metals and also yield strong welds with good impact qualities (even in cold weather). – The high concentration of iron powder in E7024 electrodes helps in accelerating deposition rates.

7018 Welding Rod

Let’s start by exploring the 7018 welding rod. 7018 is a low-hydrogen, iron powder electrode that is known for its high deposition rates and strength. It is commonly used for welding carbon and low-alloy steels in industrial applications where strength and quality are paramount. One of the key characteristics of the 7018 welding rod is its ability to produce clean and strong welds with minimal spatter.

7018 welding rods are known for their high tensile strength and ductility, making them ideal for projects that require welds with excellent mechanical properties. These rods are also known for their ability to resist cracking, making them a popular choice for critical welding applications.

7024 Welding Rod

On the other hand, the 7024 welding rod, also known as the “iron powder electrode,” is primarily used for flat and horizontal welding applications. Unlike the 7018 welding rod, which is versatile and can be used in various positions, the 7024 welding rod is best suited for flat-position welding due to its high deposition rates.

The 7024 welding rod is known for its high welding speed and efficiency, making it a popular choice for projects that require quick and cost-effective welds. However, it is essential to note that the 7024 welding rod is not suitable for welding critical structures or materials that require high tensile strength.

Differences Between 7018 and 7024 Welding Rods

Now that we have explored the individual characteristics of the 7018 and 7024 welding rods, let’s highlight the key differences between the two:

1. Position: 

One of the most significant differences between the 7018 and 7024 welding rods is their welding positions. While the 7018 welding rod can be used in various positions, including flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead, the 7024 welding rod is primarily suitable for flat-position welding.

2. Strength and Ductility: 

The 7018 welding rod is known for its high tensile strength and ductility, making it suitable for critical welding applications that require strong and reliable welds. In contrast, the 7024 welding rod prioritizes high deposition rates and welding speed over strength and ductility.

3. Welding Speed: 

The 7024 welding rod is renowned for its high deposition rates and welding speed, making it ideal for projects that require quick and cost-effective welds. On the other hand, the 7018 welding rod focuses on producing clean and strong welds with minimal spatter, sacrificing speed for quality.


In conclusion, the choice between the 7018 and 7024 welding rods ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your welding project. If you prioritize strength, quality, and versatility, the 7018 welding rod is an excellent choice. However, if you need high deposition rates and welding speed for flat-position welding applications, the 7024 welding rod may be more suitable.

By understanding the differences between these two welding rods, you can make an informed decision that will help you achieve the best results for your welding project. Remember to consider factors such as welding position, strength, ductility, and welding speed when selecting the right welding rod for your needs.

With this knowledge in hand, you can confidently tackle your next welding project and produce high-quality welds that meet your expectations. Remember to consider factors such as coating composition, welding position, and specific applications when selecting the appropriate welding rod for your welding requirements.

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